Posts Tagged ‘announcement’
ACCSP attends 2024 Rhode Island Tog Classic
On October 13, 2024, staff from the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) had the opportunity to attend the prestigious Rhode Island Tog Classic. This annual event brings together the fishing community to promote camaraderie, foster friendly competition, and collaborate on the important task of data collection. The primary objective of the 2024 Rhode Island…
Read More2023 Fisheries Data are Now Refreshed in the ACCSP Data Warehouse
The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program is pleased to announce that the Fall Data Load to update the 2023 commercial data is complete. The commercial and recreational data for 2023 are available in the Data Warehouse.
Read MoreACCSP Featured in Oracle’s Business Innovations with Oracle APEX Series
In a recent session titled “Using Oracle APEX/Low Code solutions to Collect Atlantic US saltwater fisheries data-Customer story,” the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) showcased its extensive use of Oracle tools to revolutionize fisheries data management along the Atlantic coast. The session, lasting one hour, delved into ACCSP’s journey of employing Oracle databases and…
Read MoreACCSP releases FY2025 Request for Proposals
The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (Program or ACCSP) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to Program Partners and Committees for FY25 funding. ACCSP’s Funding Decision Document (FDD) provides an overview of the funding decision process, guidance for preparing and submitting proposals, and information on funding recipients’ post-award responsibilities. Projects in areas not specifically addressed in…
Read More2023 Fisheries Data are Now Available in the ACCSP Data Warehouse
The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program is pleased to announce that the commercial data and recreational final estimates for 2023 are now available in the Data Warehouse. ACCSP established a new American Eel dataset contact/provider for Florida freshwater data. Conversion factor changes in SAFIS are reflected in the historical eDR (dealer) data in the Data…
Read MoreACCSP Launches SciFish
ACCSP is excited to announce the first round of SciFish applications is now open! Pre-applications will be accepted during this first round until April 1, 2024. The next deadline for pre-applications will be June 1, 2024. We created a new mobile application that allows the public to participate in scientific research by collecting and sharing…
Read MoreACCSP Updates the Public and Login Data Warehouse system to reflect MRIP Wave Data
The ACCSP Data Warehouse is an online database populated with Atlantic coast fishery-dependent data supplied by the ACCSP’s 23 program partners. The Warehouse harmonizes all of the data received into one set of codes for variables such as species, gear, and fishing area, making it possible to combine datasets from different sources for larger scale…
Read More2022 Fisheries Data are Now Refreshed in the ACCSP Data Warehouse
The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program is pleased to announce that the Fall Data Load to update the 2022 commercial data is complete. The commercial and recreational data for 2022 are available in the Data Warehouse.
Read MoreACCSP Staff Member Receives AFS Distinguished Service Award
ACCSP Deputy Director, Julie DeFilippi Simpson was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from The American Fisheries Society (AFS) at their annual business meeting on August 23, 2023, in Grand Rapids, MI. AFS is the world’s oldest and largest organization dedicated to strengthening the fisheries profession, advancing fisheries science, and conserving fisheries resources. AFS…
Read MoreACCSP releases FY2023 Request for Proposals
he Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (Program or ACCSP) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to Program Partners and Committees for FY24 funding. ACCSP’s Funding Decision Document (FDD) provides an overview of the funding decision process, guidance for preparing and submitting proposals, and information on funding recipients’ post-award responsibilities. Projects in areas not specifically…
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