Notice to users: Round 6 of Changes to Species Common Names

This batch of changes focuses on creating a new common name format for large species groupings. As part of our continual effort to improve user experience, we have been working with our Partners to standardize the display of species’ common names across our Data Warehouse and SAFIS applications. These changes will make our applications consistent…

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Notice to Users: Change to Disposition Codes

ACCSP and its Program Partners have decided to update the recent changes to disposition codes due to the high volume of user feedback. The Standard Codes committee has reviewed and approved the additions. No action will be required for Data Warehouse and SAFIS users, but please be aware that dispositions have changed. Disposition Changes: CATEGORY…

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SAFIS eTRIPS/mobile migrates to Version 2

WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN? August 31, 2019 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? SAFIS eTRIPS/mobile v2, which is GARFO certified, is available and offers Ease of transfer from v1 to v2 (see Useful Information) Expanded platforms and operating systems, including phones SAFIS eTRIPS/mobile v1 will no longer be available for download in the app stores. ACCSP will…

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Geoffrey White Named ACCSP Director

Robert E. Beal, Executive Director of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, has announced the selection of Mr. Geoffrey White as the Director of the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP). Mr. White has been with the Commission for more than 20 years and has worked in various capacities for ACCSP for the past 15…

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Notice to users: Round 5 of Changes to Species Common Names

This batch of changes focuses on updating the common name field to a common name where scientific name currently exists. The scientific name will continue to be stored in the scientific name field. As part of our continual effort to improve user experience, we have been working with our Partners to standardize the display of…

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