ACCSP Upcoming Staffing Changes

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) will be experiencing some staffing changes over the coming months. The Commission and the ACCSP are proud of the growth of these individuals as they step up within the organization or move on to opportunities elsewhere. We will miss those that will be leaving and thank them for their…

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Gulf Fisheries Information Network (GulfFIN) implemented a tablet-based system for APAIS

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) would like to congratulate our Gulf Fisheries Information Network (GulfFIN) friends for implementing a tablet-based system for dockside samplers to use during the Access Point Angler Intercept Survey (APAIS) earlier this year, on March 1st. The transition to electronic reporting is important because it improves the speed and…

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SAFIS eTRIPS/mobile Version 2 update released

On Monday, June 7, 2021 the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) released the newest version of eTRIPS/mobile v2 to the stores. This update includes a number of new features and improvements and new features that improve flexibility for the partners and the user. NEW FEATURE The user can now cancel a trip notification. This…

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ACCSP Issues Request for FY2022 Proposals

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (Program or ACCSP) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to Program Partners and Committees for FY22 funding. ACCSP’s Funding Decision Document (FDD) provides an overview of the funding decision process, guidance for preparing and submitting proposals, and information on funding recipients’ post-award responsibilities. Projects in areas not specifically…

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2020 Fisheries Data are Now Available in the ACCSP Data Warehouse

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program is pleased to announce that the Spring Data Load to update the 2020 commercial data is complete. The commercial and recreational data for 2020 excluding the North Carolina trip ticket data and New York datasets are available in the Data Warehouse. ACCSP partner data suppliers have added CARES Act…

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ACCSP Announces FY21 Funding Recipients

ACCSP is pleased to announce the recipients of its FY21 funding awards. Thanks to NOAA Fisheries, ACCSP is able to fund 6 new and 8 ongoing projects submitted by our state and federal partners to improve fisheries data collection and processing on the Atlantic coast. This year’s awards, including the Administrative Grant, total approximately $3.4…

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SAFMC, NCDMF, and ACCSP Seek Input on Customizable Citizen Science Application

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) is funding the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) and North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) and is a proud partner to help facilitate the creation of this mobile application. We will hold a series of workshops in March and April 2021. These workshops are to discuss…

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ACCSP releases SAFIS eTRIPS/mobile v2 with Switchboard

ACCSP has just released the newest version of SAFIS eTRIPS/mobile v2.This new version features innovative functionality for the Switchboard Attributes. ACCSP and its partners have identified core data elements to be collected on all trips reports.  In addition to these core elements, some partners may also choose to collect additional ‘supplemental’ elements. SAFIS administrators can…

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