Notice to users: Changes to display of species’ common names will go into effect March 8
This batch of changes focuses on pluralizing the common names of taxonomic groups of species.
As part of our continual effort to improve user experience, we have been working with our Partners to standardize the display of species’ common names across our Data Warehouse and SAFIS applications. These changes will make our applications consistent with one another and, ultimately, easier to use.
This batch of changes, listed at the end of this post, focuses on pluralizing the common names of taxonomic groups of species. No action will be required on the part of the user, but please be aware that these changes will be reflected in our Species and Favorite Species lists. The changes may therefore impact how you search these lists. Any preset favorites will reflect the new name, but will not be dropped.
Changes to Common Names in Data Warehouse:

Changes to Common Names in SAFIS: