ACCSP Updates the Public and Login Data Warehouse system to reflect MRIP Wave Data
The ACCSP Data Warehouse is an online database populated with Atlantic coast fishery-dependent data supplied by the ACCSP’s 23 program partners. The Warehouse harmonizes all of the data received into one set of codes for variables such as species, gear, and fishing area, making it possible to combine datasets from different sources for larger scale analyses.
ACCSP has recently completed an update to the ACCSP Public and Login Data Warehouse system to reflect MRIP direction on the presentation of cumulative and wave level data (see figure).

New Features
The new ACCSP interface includes options to search the data as:
• Annual or partial year cumulative
• Calendar or fishing years to start at any of the 2-month Waves
• Continued ability to query by wave (see optional parameters)
• Visual stoplight (low, medium, warning) highlighting of data based on precision standards (PSE)
• Inclusion of upper and lower 95% confidence intervals
• Identification of final or preliminary status of estimates
• Selection of default and alternate detailed reports for viewing and download
• Expanded metadata / awareness text
ACCSP is committed to providing better data for stock assessment and management through the collaborative efforts of NOAA MRIP and state partners. ACCSP provides a forum for the states to develop coordinated regional guidance to MRIP and ACCSP participates on MRIP national committees. The efforts to improve the Data Warehouse including these additional changes are supported by MRIP
Accessing the Data Warehouse
The Public Data Warehouse is available to and for the public. This interface requires no username and password, only non-confidential data are available, and data can be exported or downloaded. Within the Login Data Warehouse, a username and password are required and queries and workbooks can be saved and reused. The Login Data Warehouse contains both non-confidential and confidential data, and the data presented will depend on the user’s level of access.
ACCSP’s new data search interface, the Public and Login Data Warehouse can be accessed here