ACCSP Upcoming Staffing Changes
The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) will be experiencing some staffing changes over the coming months. The Commission and the ACCSP are proud of the growth of these individuals as they step up within the organization or move on to opportunities elsewhere. We will miss those that will be leaving and thank them for their effort and dedication to program success during their time with us. ACCSP is committed, as always, to meeting the needs of our partners and will continue to do our best to provide timely responses.

In July, Mike Rinaldi was promoted to ACCSP Data Team Lead. Mike started with ACCSP in 2017 working on MRIP APAIS QA/QC and has been a member of the Data Team for 3 years. In his time on the Data Team, Mike has extensively broadened is knowledge and demonstrated leadership on several key initiatives. Mike represents the Program at SEDAR meetings and work groups on technology integration for fishery-dependent data, electronic monitoring standards and aquaculture. On the technical side, Mike has been the ACCSP Spatial Data expert and improved the processes behind the application and approval of confidential access. Mike was awarded the Employee of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 2019. In his new position, Mike will be responsible for supervising the ACCSP Data Team and coordinating internal and external projects with Program Partners. Data Team members staff the following ACCSP Committees: Biological Review Panel, Bycatch Prioritization, Commercial Technical, and Standard Codes.

ACCSP senior software developer Nico Mwai has accepted a position outside ASMFC that will begin in September. Nico contributed innovative solutions to ACCSP data collection applications over the last 9.5 years including API support for mobile applications and improved user login security. Nico played an integral role in ACCSP software development and support through his collaborative work with Program Partners and contractors improving tools for help desk user support. We wish Nico great success in his career.

ACCSP Data Coordinator Lindsey Aubart will transition to ASMFC Cooperative Projects Coordinator in mid-September. Lindsey has been with ACCSP Data Team for only a year, but has made a true impact in a short time. She quickly acquired the necessary programming skills to accompany her biological knowledge and partner collaboration skills. Lindsey has guided the biological module through the important first year, including working with others on the Data Team to move data from the old database structures to the new and with partners to adapt to the new transfer format. While she will be missed on the Data Team, the ASMFC family is excited that she will be taking on this challenge and wish her success in the new position.

ACCSP Recreational Data Coordinator Sarah Hylton will be transitioning from the ASMFC in mid-October. Sarah brings a cheerful and determined nature to the cooperative state conduct of Marine Recreational Information Program surveys along the Atlantic Coast. She has been integral to the transition to state conduct of the For-hire Telephone Survey by leading the development of the interviewing application. Sarah is also a source of constant improvement for already-existing processes including trainings, procedures and user manuals, and data presentation. We share her excitement for a bright future.