ACCSP eTRIPS fulfills reporting requirements for vessels with multiple federal permits
GARFO-permitted commercial fishing vessels will be required to report electronically starting November 10, 2021. Fishers will need an electronic vessel trip report (eVTR) for each trip and must submit completed reports within 48 hours of the end of a trip.
Vessels issued for-hire permits for New England Fishery Management Council-managed fisheries (NEFMC) will also be required to use eVTR and report within 48 hours of the end of a trip. Vessels issued a for-hire permit for a Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) species or a private recreational vessel tilefish permit already submit vessel trip reports electronically.
These reporting requirements do not apply to vessels holding only a permit for American lobster.
GARFO and their partners have developed applications that meet federal eVTR reporting requirements.
The SAFIS eTRIPS application is the ideal choice for anyone who holds more than one commercial or for-hire federal permit. It is currently the only reporting application that will fulfill the reporting requirements for vessels with multiple federal permits. In addition,
- eTRIPS/mobile is available on Apple and Android phones and tablets and Windows 10 (PC)
- 24/7 Help Desk Support
- Informational webpage with tutorial videos
- By November 10, will be compliant with permit reporting requirements for:
GARFO commercial permits
SERO Coastal Fisheries Logbook Program (CFLP)
HMS Commercial Logbook
GARFO for-hire permits
Southeast For-Hire Permits (SEFHIER)
HMS For-Hire Permit

Demonstrations and Q&A sessions
GARFO and the MAFMC are hosting webinars to review the rule and the applications that meet the federal eVTR reporting requirements. ACCSP is providing demonstrations of the eTRIPS/mobile application and answering questions during these webinars