MRIP-State Coordination
ACCSP coordinates state conduct of the Access Point Angler Intercept Survey (APAIS) and For-hire Survey (FHS) from Maine to Georgia.
The APAIS is the catch component and the FHS is the for-hire effort component of the NOAA Fisheries Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP). The state-regional-federal partnership is responsible for developing, maintaining, improving, and implementing surveys that measure the number of angler trips and catch.
Data for APAIS and FHTS are collected via an in-person angler intercept and by telephone interview respectively. ACCSP provides the central administration, coordination, and data processing and states conduct the survey for their own waters while interacting with local anglers.
MRIP separately manages the mail Fishing Effort Survey for the private effort component, as well as the Large Pelagics Survey that collects catch and effort data for tuna, sharks, billfishes, swordfish, and other offshore recreational species.