ACCSP releases FY2025 Request for Proposals

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (Program or ACCSP) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to Program Partners and Committees for FY25 funding. ACCSP’s Funding Decision Document (FDD) provides an overview of the funding decision process, guidance for preparing and submitting proposals, and information on funding recipients’ post-award responsibilities. Projects in areas not specifically addressed in…

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2023 Fisheries Data are Now Available in the ACCSP Data Warehouse

The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program is pleased to announce that the commercial data and recreational final estimates for 2023 are now available in the Data Warehouse. ACCSP established a new American Eel dataset contact/provider for Florida freshwater data. Conversion factor changes in SAFIS are reflected in the historical eDR (dealer) data in the Data…

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